Monday, September 20, 2010
2 more days♥
hey hello :) decided to blog cos nothing to do .. today's aunt birhday . i bought her a fruit cake im unable to find her mango cake. hmm nehmind lah she likes fruits :) hees bought my 2nd guy bestfriend,shahramin ferrero roche :D hee cant wait to give him tomoro. cepat sia dah 17th. cisss. i wanna take a pic with him ^^ guess what i thought my birthday is four more days, until syai told me then i realised . cute kan? :Dhaha my watch broke sad seyh!! i like it, although its too pinkish. but it was nice. terus badmood. i made lots of new friends :D went lepak at yewtee. walaupon tak kenal, at least they were friendly.:) went jalan raya with umar friends. which one of them were my neighbour, and ex-teckwhyeans . so okay lah. not that paiseyh willem , 9 more days dah 15 sey :) haha too bad im 15 first :P oh shoot , team outing and 2e'09 howhow? dillema wanita -.- heees..saturday ada 2 open house then nak jalan raya. nak kena amik passport lagi alamak! haha.. lantern festival overall was fun :) alibaba and aladin :D cicak feat dugong ^^ awesome people! :D:D kilats, our outing pic i will update tomoro aites. its with mia :D kay i gtg, bye peeps:D Labels: perhctud :D |
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♥SYAI ♥MEERRRA ♥SYAZZY ♥AMA ♥SYASYA ♥fatin ♥bazilah ♥grace ♥syaruz ♥NYSAH ♥Mia beybeyhs♥ ♥RAWRITTA a> ♥ikashy ♥dayah ♥jinhui ♥YAYA ♥NADIAH ♥AFFY ♥farhana ♥shekyn ♥Shazee ♥nora Dudes♥ ♥fathir ♥ZAIDI♥ ♥farell ♥shafie ♥farhan ♥link ♥Apit ♥faizal ♥farhan ♥link ♥link ♥ Music Music Playlist at Credits